
Broadleafdemo-1.5 & IBM Websphere v8.5

Once you got broadleafdemo running in JBoss 7 as per http://lydonchandra.blogspot.com/2011/12/running-broadleaf-ecommerce-150-demo-in.html , then it should be trivial to deploy it onto IBM Websphere v8.5.

  1. Go to Websphere admin console http://host:9043/ibm/console
  2. Applications > New Application > New Enterprise Application
  3. Choose “Local file system” and select a compressed broadleafdemo.war (not exploded).
  4. Choose “Details” settings, and make sure you map broadleafdemo.war onto /broadleafdemo context (and not onto the root context / )
  5. Save and start broadleafdemo.

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